Since the first discussions on art and science took place in conjunction with MUOGRAPHERS 2017, the Muographers have experienced successful world-wide cross-disciplinary collaborations with Italian, Hungarian, Japanese and American visual artists and musicians. The Fine-Art Muographers are the group of artists who are inspired by muography, trying to utilize muography or art as an effective tool for new inspiration or outreach with the communities that we serve. These two goals are ultimately equal, and both directions exist. The time is ripe for the Art Muographers to share our experience with other high-energy physics groups such as CMS, ATLAS, ALICE, and LIGO/VIRGO. As part of the Europe-based ORIGIN Network, Muographers have participated in 5 art/international science exhibitions in Canada, Croatia, Georgia, Albania, and Bosnia. Now in order to consider how to expand this initiative, together with our Japanese collaborative partners, we have invited related people from art@CMS, ATLAS, ALICE, and LIGO/VIRGO under an umbrella of the Fine-Art Muographers to discuss the possibilities of international events in conjunction with Muographers 2019 and 2020 during the Tokyo Olympic year . The discussion topics will include (A) how we can evaluate these events, the benefits to the communities we serve and to the scientists and artists involved, (B) what the definition of a successful collaboration between a scientists and an artist is, (C) what an appropriate role for social media and the internet is, and (D) how we can continue to seek creative solutions to engage with the pubic and with members of the art community who want to inspire and shape our message. These are some of the topics that we will address in this workshop to prepare for future art and science events.


Opening remarks
TBA, TBA, Friday, 30 November, 03:00-03:05 p.m.
Recent trend of the Fine-Art Muographers

Since muography covers many areas such as particle physics, the universe, and volcanoes, it has inspired more than  50 Fine-Art muographers to create more than 200 works, and these works have been displayed their works at the exhibits almost every month as a great introduction to scientific ideas for inexperienced audiences. Live art performances situated in places like an open-studio environment or concert setting is a particularly engaging way to present physics, which reminds people that physics is dynamic, not static, becoming a mirror of the process of muography itself. These shared experiences of the scientists and artists were in turn shared with audiences at the event. Attracting a diverse spectrum of people to take an interest in science, and specifically muography, can be achieved by approaching the communication with more creative methods in cooperation with fine artists.

Hiroyuki Tanaka, University of Tokyo, Friday, 30 November, 03:05-03:20 p.m.
How to visualize and promote the Compact Muon Solenoid experiments at CERN

The art@CMS program promotes the fusion of art and science by bringing artists and scientists into direct contact. From the resulting dialogue the artist creates a unique interpretation of the scientific topics. The main mission is to help the public and especially young people to connect the beauty of our science field with the world we all experience through the arts. We fulfil this mission through exhibitions and science & art workshops. Since 2012 we gained experience designing workshop formats that help school and university students to think creatively about how science and art are directly relevant to their lives.

Michael Hoch, CERN Friday, 30 November, 03:25-03:40 p.m
ATLAS experiment: from art-science partnerships to ORIGIN

Personal links between ATLAS scientists and artists have always existed, not only at CERN but worldwide. The type and level of interaction – which range from short discussions over coffee to years long partnerships – will be illustrated by a few examples. Should ATLAS move from individual initiatives to a structured art-science program? Can the experience gained inspire and amplify this movement? Shall we always be able to avoid rigidity? The newborn ORIGIN network is in itself an experiment, where new co-creation processes should be tried, benefits and drawbacks be evaluated to move towards a sustainable, transparent and fertile new type of balance.

Claire Adam-Bourdarios, CERN, Friday, 30 November, 03:45-04:00 p.m.
Report of Exhibit: “Answer from the Universe: Vision Towards the Horizons of Science and Art Through Muography”

Tama Art University held a Muography Art exhibition which invited 13 artists from three corners of the world : Asia (Japan), Europe (Hungary and Austria), and America (USA) along with a Muography observation system displayed as information art. This exhibition was the largest full-scale gallery presentation of the Muography and Art collaboration in Japan, in size as well as in the variety of works exhibited. The exhibit was itself experimental: investigating how to blend Muography with an art encounter where an eastern aesthetic would met a western aesthetic, creating an open studio with a collaboration between a ceramic artist and a composer, and presenting a unique vision of the muography observation system itself. These experiments were designed to occupy the exhibition room not just physically but with the atmospheric density diffused by the resonance of each of the artworks and space so that visitors could experience the world view of Muography as well as feel the air of universal fact that we would touch an unseen Muon for eternity. This idea of universal fact comes from what is experienced in zen meditation and contemplation. I will report on the structure of the exhibition, and the ideas that were hunted for during the preparation activities.

Takeshi Fuchida, Tama Art University Museum, Friday, 30 November, 04:05-04:20 p.m.
How can artists/designers and scientists/engineers happily collaborate?

Collaborative research between artists/designers and scientists/engineers has been an ambition over the centuries. Yet, precisely how to make this successful still remains an enduring question. Searching for a fundamental way of collaboration that these actors can co-generate an artistic project through ‘the universe’ as a mutually acceptable idea, her collaborative projects will be presented; her doctoral project at Tokyo University of the Arts through her stay at CERN, and her current project at IdeaSquare; a R&D platform at CERN.

Yuri Tanaka, Tokyo University of the Arts, Friday, 30 November, 04:25-04:40 p.m.
Muography Symphony: from Muography to music -a story of Muography in music-

Can Muography be transposed in music? Can a muon be represented by sounds of traditional instruments? Muography Symphony by the composer Federico Iacobucci tries to answer to these questions. The composition for symphonic orchestra, born from an idea of Professor Hiroyuki Tanaka (Director of Muographyx, Tokyo University), is structured in two different levels. One is the narration of events, a travel across the history of Muography; the other is the description of physic’s concepts like time relativity, Doppler effect and magnetic interaction between these peculiar particles and matter. The audience is transported through a volcano (First Movement), a pyramid (Second Movement) and space-time (Third Movement), reaching in the end the muon detector. The score is conceived like a sort of Minkowski space, a frame where the different pitches are distributed vertically and horizontally along the line of time. The use of acoustic instruments instead of electronic ones is suggested by the fact that Muography started its first steps in the first half of the last century. In this way the listener can enjoy a new music played by familiar sounds, just like Muography can be related to the well known x-ray scan technic. The muon’s time and the human’s time meet in the symphony giving inspiration for new musical ideas, while the music itself gives an image of these concepts making them approachable to a wider audience. A solo clarinet, played for the premiere by the Hungarian clarinettist István Kohán, represents the “hero” of the symphony, the muon exactly, supported by other high-pitched instruments like crotales (upper octave) and glockenspiel. Science and music live together in this composition and the composer shows the specific argument from an artistic point of view.

Federico Iacobucci, Maestro, Friday, 30 November, 04:45-05:00 p.m.  
Vision towards Muographers 2019: developments of the audiovisual contents for social communications

Entering into the 21st century, the method for people to acquire information has been changed from sitting in front of the television to more interactive way that isn’t restricted by the time. In this talk, a new method for dissemination of the muographic outputs with more interactive virtual studios or real-time 3 dimensional computer graphics will be proposed, and possible collaboration with high energy physics will be discussed.

Yoshikatsu Date, Takumi Hiraizumi, NHK Enterprise Friday, 30 November, 05:05-05:20 p.m.  

Round table discussions

Friday, 30 November, 05:25-05:40 p.m.